Hong Kong Really Really Free Market (HKRRFM)

RRFM originated in the United States in 2004, when a group of anti-Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) organized RRFM activities against capitalism. Later, the Singaporean art group Post-Museum brought RRFM to Singapore as Art Project in 2009, and was invited to participate in the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial, called Fukuoka Really Really Free Market (FRRFM), which lasted for half a year, except for the museum. In addition, it is also held in galleries, children's centers, parks, universities, exposition halls and other places. This is believed to be the first RRFM in Hong Kong-HKRRFM-which was organized by the student representative who planned FRRFM at that time.
Hong Kong Really Really Free Market, the Chinese translation is "Ren Sui Ren Bai Ren 攞". HKRRFM tries to find a space for "utopian economy" that is different from reality. One does not ask for any price, does not involve any monetary or material transactions, it is purely "giving" and "sharing" between people, and it is not limited to objects. You can share your skills, such as divination, hair cutting, Massage etc. It is an Art project on the surface, but you can think of RRFM as a small "utopia", an adoption place where items are waiting to be reborn, a small shop for inspiration, or what you think.